Friday, December 5, 2008

Cute Pics

A couple of Sundays ago Nicole took these darling pics of the kids. I am so greatful to have photo savy sisters and sister-in-laws because the pictures they take are pretty much the ONLY pictures I have of my kids. I really struggle with taking pics and liking the ones I take! Thanks Nicole! These look great. (Check out the rest at


~: Angie :~ said...

We love them - I've showed lots of people my cute nieces and nephews. Nicole is AWSOME!!!

Michelle said...

I love the pictures. Where did she take them at?

Olsen's said...

These pictures of the kids are perfect! They girls look darling and Carson is so handsome. Hopefully we can make it to watch Carson on one of his last games. Time goes by too fast..

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are way cute. Your kids are darling. I need to have Nicole take my family and kids pictures too.

Christensen Family said...

They are so cute!!! We had a lot of fun at the Christmas party. Onni really had fun playing with your girls. She followed them everywhere.