Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween...

It was such a great Halloween this year. The weather was wonderful! I do not remember the last time it was that nice on Halloween. The night before Halloween in my Natural Disasters class, we talked about Global Warming and the effects of the climate because of it.... I do not know too much about it, but it is kind of scary to then have such a warm Halloween!! Well, the kids had a great time anyway. Carson got to do a ton of trick or treating. The girls got to do about as much as they wanted to. I just thought it was one of my most favorite Halloweens so far... What a great day! Here are some pictures...


Olsen's said...

The kids sure looked cute! I can't believe how time is just flying by, it seems like halloween was yesterday!

Kami Jo said...

Your kids could not get any cuter! All the cousins in their pirate costumes is priceless - so stinkin' cute!!! And I am still in awe of Carson - when did he grow up?!?!?!?!

Katie said...

Jen! its so good to hear from you! Your kids are adorable! I have a couple more openings in gymnastics, just give me a call (call my mom for my #... I don't really want to publish it online) Its a lot of fun! Things here are going great. Kim doesn't have a blog, but I am gonna get her to do one! Good talking to you. Love ya!

Kami Jo said...

WHERE ARE YOU!?!?!?!?! Where did you go? No postings since Halloween - c'mon! :) We miss ya!!!

Olsen's said...

Okay Jenn, we're waiting...........!!!

kim said...

Hey Jen, this is Kim, your cousin. How are you? Your family is so adorable! I can't believe how big the kids are getting. Carson looks like a young man now. And the girls are so big! It was good to see your blog, keep it updated! My blog is

Jessica said...

hey jenni, your kids are so cute, i cant believe how big they are. i just wanted to leave ya a message since i was snooping on your page!