Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Fun Little Game

Here is a fun little game... leave a comment on my blog of a memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me for a short time or a long time, anything that you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It is pretty funny to read the responses. On your mark... get set... blog those memories!


Kami Jo said...

can you only imagine my embarrassment when I read that!?!?!?! Geez!!! SOOOO many memories with you! Everything at JTO, but mainly your last day. Standing at the back door sharing tears!! But also of our GREAT Softball team we had and your dad coming to cheer us on! And of course the classes at Memories! And if memory serves me right...You and Travis in DS office or was it his car?!?!?! :)

Callisters said...

Oh Jen... Like I said on Becky's too many memories better just be a memory! But here are a few more that I think sometimes feels like it was yesterday. The ski bus... did we ski or just worry about making a bed out of everyones bags and sleeping! Our trip to Cali...going to the movies being twins (C.J. and J.C)! Our trip to Hawaii...remember those girls we would go to IHOP with who said they would pay and wouldn't! Also I will never forget that wave that I honestly don't know how we came out alive from. Wow look at us now nearing 30 still being able to make memories. How strange that we had many years without a lot of talking and we then end up back in the same town, with kids that are born the same day that will go to school together. Hey maybe one day I will be a mother-in-law to Kaydnce (hopeful not the bad one you two sit and talk about!). Well sorry for the novel...

Bambi said...

Hi Jenny, I just wanted to say HI. You have a very cute family. I saw your whole family picture on Nicole's blog you all look so cute. I have a lot of fun memories with your family. I am glad to see you are doing well

~: Angie :~ said...

It's more of a memory of Travis..but I remember the day he asked you to marry him. He was in Ray's office and SO nervous. He called your house and asked for your dad and one your sisters said he was outside working on the lawn and would have to call back. Travis waited a while (I'm sure it seemed like forever to him) and then tried again. This time when he asked for your dad and they said he was still outside he asked them to go get your dad. The wait for him to come to the phone seemed just as long. I will never forget Travis's voice cracking as he asked your dad for permission to marry you. Your dad was seemed to talk a lot but all I could hear was Travis saying "yes" and "i will".

I was SO happy for Travis that day and I'm so glad you and the kids are a part of the family!!

The Holdaway's said...

ummm.... hmm.... lets see LOL!!! omg i think i can think of just a few maybe LOL LOL the first thing that cam to mind (please pray our children never read this lol)jk umm ya when we snuck out of my house (one of the many times) and u had that Raiders coat and we left it at the place we went to and then my parents seen the open window and we almost had them fooled (yeah right) and then my dad asked where the jacket was LOL i could go on and on but you know as well as i do why i shouldnt and its not because there isnt enough room LOL well i dunno there probally isnt LOL so much fun and sooo many memories i wont even go into the night we "ranaway" lol ok ok i better stop ur the best!! xoxo