Sunday, January 27, 2008

Try a Little Harder to Be a Little Better....

I have been thinking about President Hinckley's saying a lot lately. Nicole mentioned it one day while we were talking about how we were going to change the world. I had decided it would be my families motto for this year. It is such a great saying in my mind. It seems so simple and yet, it means so much. Aftering hearing of President Hinckley's passing tonight, I just can't stop thinking about what a great example he was in all of your lives. We are all so blessed having known him, and having felt his spirit influence our lives. He always had soo many wise things to say, that somehow could be applied to so many aspects of our lives. What a great man he was. He will be missed by so many, but how lucky we are to know he is happy. I hope my kids know enough about him that they will have memories of him... As I say that, I look around my house and realize, I do not even have a picture of him. I know as parents, we have such a responsibility to teach our kids along with what they are learning at church. I know I fall short in teaching my kids what they need to know about the gospel to gain a testimony of their own. I know my family needs to try a little harder to be a little better, and I promise, we will! We love you President Hinckley.


Olsen's said...

It is so true that we have a responsibility to teach or kids, and isn't always so easy. It will be a hard thing to get use to not having our dear President Hinkley.

Callisters said...

Amen! Love that quote,thanks again for letting me copy you. I think that it does pretty much sum up the way we should be living our lives. I am going to miss him so much. I hate to say it, but the next Prophet has some big shoes to follow!